So far, we have been talking about the subjunctive, and how one of the main ideas of the subjunctive is to have one subject trying to inflict his or her will upon another subject. Your command forms can be viewed in the same way. Just as with the subjunctive, your mother, brother, friend, boss, priest, lawyer, bookie, etc can advise, recommend, suggest, or even DIRECTLY ORDER that you do something, but there is never a guarantee that you actually WILL do it.
Your affirmative formal commands-- the usted and ustedes forms--are used to "politely" command an individual or group of individuals to do something. A good starting point for forming your usted commands is by following the same process you would use for the formation of the present subjunctive:
à pongoà pong- à pongaDecir
à digoà dig- à digaCocinar
à cocinoà cocin- à cocineYou have the same irregulars for the usted commands as you do for the present subjunctive:
Llegarà llegoà lleg- à llegue
Buscarà buscoà busà busque
Empezarà empiezoà empie- à empiece
Included are : ser (sea/sean), dar (dé/den), estar (esté,/estén), saber (sepa/sepan), ir (vaya/ vayan)
ˇAbran los libros!
Por favor, lean las páginas……
Escriba una composición.
Siga derecho.
Doble a la izquierda al semáforo.
**Pronouns are ATTACHED directly to the end of your command form. Be aware that when you do this, you are adding extra syllables to your word. This calls for an accent to be written in over the stressed syllable:
ˇAyúdeme, por favor!
Díganme la verdad.
Cocíneme el desayuno.
Vístase rápidamente, por favor.
**Be aware that your negative usted commands are formed simply by placing "no" in front of your command.
ˇNo salga sin mí!
No doble a la izquierda hasta el semáforo.
ˇNo esté triste!
No sean tontos, por favor.
**In negative usted commands, your pronouns must be placed BEFORE your command form:
No me ayude, por favor.
No me hablen.
No me digan la verdad.
No me cocine nada.
No se vista ahora.