When a verb is reflexive the person performing the action also receives the benefits or impact of the action (such as bathing oneself, brushing one` s hair, etc.). As you may notice, most of the verbs which follow can actually be used non-reflexively as well, depending upon the meaning of the sentence.
In order for the reflexive verb to be used correctly, one must:
Subject | Reflexive pronoun | Meaning |
Yo | Me | Myself |
Tú | Te | Yourself |
Él, ella, usted | Se | Him/her/yourself |
Nosotros | Nos | Ourselves |
Vosotros | Os | Yourselves |
Ellos/as, ustedes | Se | Them/yourselves |
Some reflexive verbs:
Acostarse (oà ue) | to go to bed |
Bañarse | to bathe oneself |
Calmarse | to calm down |
Casarse (con) | to get married (to) |
Despertarse (eà ie) | to wake up |
Divertirse (eà ie) | to enjoy oneself, have fun |
Divorciarse | to get divorced |
Dormirse (oà ue) | to fall asleep |
Enojarse | to become angry |
Irse | to go away |
Llamarse | to be named, call oneself |
Levantarse | to get up |
Ponerse (+ adjective) | to become (+adjective) |
Preocuparse | to worry |
Quedarse | to stay, remain |
Sentarse (eà ie) | to sit down |
Sentirse (eà ie) | to feel |
Vestirse (eà i) | to get dressed |
Me acuesto | Nos acostamos |
Te acuestas | Os acostáis |
Se acuesta | Se acuestan |
Me despierto | Nos despertamos |
Te despiertas | Os despertáis |
Se despierta | Se despiertan |
Me visto | Nos vestimos |
Te vistes | Os vestís |
Se viste | Se visten |
* When a regular conjugated verb is followed by a reflexive infinitive, the reflexive pronoun can be directly attached to the end of the infinitive. Just make sure that you pronoun is in agreement with your subject!
Quiero divertirme en la fiesta. OR Me quiero divertir.
Podemos levantarnos tarde porque es sábado. OR
Nos podemos levantar tarde porque es sábado.
*Similarly, when
using the progressive tense (estar +-ando or -iendo form), the reflexive pronoun
can be placed either before the conjugated form of estar, OR attached directly to the end of the
present participle..
Me estoy divirtiendo. OR *Estoy divirtiéndome.
*In the latter case, a written accent is added to the stressed vowel!!!