Dos pronombres juntos (Double Object Pronouns)
In many cases, both a direct and indirect object pronoun will appear in the same sentence. When this occurs, the indirect object pronoun always precedes the direct object pronoun .
We can call this the "ID rule" : I = indirect object pronoun, D = direct object pronoun. If you ever forget which comes first, just think "ID", and you will have your pronoun order!
me, te, le . . . .nos, os, les
(indicate to or for whom something is done)
me, te, lo/la . . . nos, os, los/las
(answers the questions what? or whom?, directly follows your verb in a sentence - directly acted upon by verb)
María me mostró las flores.I.O. D. O.
"Me" is the indirect object, because María is showing the flowers "to me".
"Las flores" is the direct object, since the flowers are the objects being shown, and "las flores" directly follows your verb.
If we were to rewrite the above sentence, substituting pronouns for the objects themselves, it would look like:
María me las mostró. María showed them to me.
Remember that even though we may allow our sentences to end in Indirect Object pronouns in English, we cannot do that in Spanish. For this reason, the Indirect Object pronoun comes before any other.
Ella nos explicó la teoría.
Ella nos la explicó.
(She explained it (the theory) to us).
Ellos te mandaron un regalo.
Ellos te lo mandaron.
(They sent it (the gift) to you).
El hombre me vendió el coche.
El hombre me lo vendió.
(The man sold it (the car) to me).
Mi hermana me compró la falda.
Mi hermana me la compró.
(My sister bought it (the skirt) for me).
¿Él no te dio los billetes?
¿Él no te los dio?
(Didn't he give them (the tickets) to you?)
Remember: When le/les is followed by lo/la/los/las, then le/les turns to "se"!!
¿A quién le dio Javier el regalo?
-Javier se lo dio a Ana.
(the se= le, "to her", meaning to Ana)
Voy a dar las rosas a mi novio esta noche.
Voy a dárselas esta noche.
(se= le, "to him", meaning to my boyfriend)
¿ Le dijo Raúl la verdad a María?
-Sí, Raúl se la dijo a ella.
(se= le, "to her", meaning to María)