Here are the key combinations so that you do not need to hand-write your accent marks onto your papers when typing out compositions:
é = alt+130 | ñ= alt+0241 | á=alt+160 |
í=alt+161 | Ñ= alt+165 | ó=alt+162 |
ú= alt+163 | É=alt+144 | ¿=alt+168 |
¡=alt+173 | ü= alt+129 | Ü= alt+154 |
Á= alt+0193 | Í=alt +0205 | Ó= alt+0211 |
Ú= alt+0218 |
*Don’t forget
that on most computers, if you hit Ctrl + ’ + vowel, that will also give you accented vowels! * (control apostrophe vowel)**Obvious tip
: remember that no matter which option you choose, the ALT key must be held down while entering in the series of ASCII codes (number codes) , or the CONTROL key must be held down while hitting the Apostrophe and vowel keys!***I'm sorry to say that these codes will only work for machines using a Windows platform. For those of you who are Mac users, consult your Help menu (type in `accentuation` or `accent codes` for a listing of appropriate key combinations).