Italian I
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Class Bulletin Board

Here's your chance to contribute...

Inviting people to express their own ideas is a great way to get them involved. This page will encourage students to discuss questions and issues relating to the class material. (Don't forget, even those who are too shy to speak up in class often have important things to say.)

This area may be used to post especially excellent or thought-provoking student work.


"In the News" Responses

This area may be used to post some of the answers I receive to any "In the News" questions that I may ask on the home page.

Class Comments

I might use this area to post comments people have sent me on how they feel class is going and topics they'd like to see covered in more (or less!) detail.

The comments published in this area will be published anonymously. There will also be a Feedback Form available once the academic year begins. The Form's server has been configured to deliver the feedback info anonymously.

This page depends on class contributions. Feel free to contribute at any time, but remember: be respectful, mature, and to the point. Profane or degrading remarks are not acceptable forms of feedback.