Following our guideline formula of S1V1 + que + S2V2 , the subjunctive is used after verbs and other expressions of joy, sadness, anger, sorrow, fear, regret, embarrassment, and other emotions:



Mis padres estan bastante enfadados que yo nunca salga bien en mis clases.


Nos alegra mucho de que puedas estar aquí con nosotros.


Tengo miedo de que alguien me mate.


Les sorprende a ellas que Javier no quiera salir con ellas.


Melissa esta triste de que su gato esté enfermo.


**Notice that the verb in the main clause is in the presente indicative, while the verb in the dependent clause (after the "que") is in the present subjunctive.


That’s basically all! Any time you have an expression of emotion in your main clause on the part of one subject about another subject, you must use the subjunctive in your dependent clause.