According to our text, these are some ways in which simple questions are formed and answered in Spanish:


  1. A regular sentence may be changed into a question by putting it between question marks (¿?) and by making your voice rise at the end. Note that the helping verb to do (`does`) is not translated:
  2. Miguel vive en un apartamento afuera del campus.

    ¿Miguel vive en un apartamento afuera del campus?



  3. A variation of the above example is to change the word order, and place the subject (Miguel) AFTER the verb, while still making your voice rise at the end:
  4. ¿Vive Miguel en un apartamento afuera del campus?



  5. A popular way to form a question is to add the tags ¿no? or ¿verdad? At the end of a statement:
  6. Miguel vive en un apartamento afuera del campus, ¿verdad?



  7. To answer yes/no types of questions affirmatively, you must answer , and repeat the sentence:
  8. Miguel vive en un apartamento afuera del campus, ¿no?

    --, vive en un apartamento afuera del campus.



  9. To answer negatively, you must use a double negative, beginning with a no and repeating the sentence after inserting another no before the verb. Be aware that you are NOT being redundant –you are answering no to the initial question, and then are negating your verb!

¿Vive Miguel en un apartamento afuera del campus?

-- No, él no vive afuera del campus. Vive en las residencias.



***For questions of information, you cannot answer using a simple yes or no…you then need to use your interrogatives. For notes on interrogatives, see your notes from class. For practice, do the Online exercise provided on the Main Page***