
Prepositions are words that show the relationship of one word (usually a noun or pronoun) to another word (usually another noun or pronoun) in a sentence.


Example: Javier has an appointment after school.

                                                                      \           \

                                                            preposition       object of preposition

The noun or pronoun following the preposition is called the object of the preposition. The preposition plus its object is called a prepositional phrase.


Prepositions showing location:

Paul was in the car.

The books are on the table.

The students came from class.

The car is in front of the house.

The child is behind the tree.



Prepositions showing time and date:

Many Spanish people go on vacation in August.

On Mondays, they attend the university.

I am meeting her at four o’clock this afternoon.

We are going to study before the exam.

Most people work from nine to five.

Frequently used prepositions are: during, since, with, between, of , about, because of, in front of, next to, instead of, due to, in spite of, on account of, etc.




The Big Picture:

Heavy rotation prepositions: a (to, at) , de (from, of, about) , sin (without), con (with).

Entre between, among
Al lado de beside, next to
Frente a opposite, facing
Enfrente de in front of, opposite
Detrás de behind
Delante de in front of, ahead of
Debajo de beneath, under
Encima de on top of, above
Dentro de inside
Fuera de outside
Cerca de near, close to
Lejos de far from

**these should be used with the verb Estar (form of Estar + preposition)

Examples: México está muy lejos de aquí.

Clemens Hall está entre los edificios Baird y Lockwood.

Mi hermanita piensa que unos monstruos están debajo de su


Nuestro apartamento está muy cerca de la universidad.

Las galletas están encima del refigerador.

More prepositions:

Acerca de about
Sobre about
Antes de before
Después de after
Durante during
En vez de instead of
Al + infinitive upon +(doing something)

Examples: La novela es una historia acerca de la mala fortuna de una

famila que vive en Colombia.

Yo no sabía nada sobre lo que pasó.

Me dormí durante mi clase de química.

Antes de salir de la casa, ella siempre besa su esposo.

Después del concierto ellos fueron a Denny’s para comer.

En vez de estudiar por su examen, Javier pasó toda la

noche chateando por la internet.

Al entrar en la casa, el ladrón fue atrapado por la policía.