Possessive adjectives are used to indicate ownership or possession. The adjectives mi, tu, and su only have two forms: singular and plural. The possessives for the nosotros and vosotros forms have 4 forms: singular, plural, masculine and feminine. Be careful with your gender-number agreement between adjective and noun when using the nosotros and/or vosotros forms!


Your possessive adjectives are as follows:

Mi(s) - my nuestro/a/os/as - our
Tu(s)- your vuestro/a/os/as - your
Su(s) - his, her, your su(s)- their, your

*Although both third person subject areas have "su" (it can mean his, her, their, or your), the exact meaning is usually clear from the context of the sentence.

Mi libro mis libros

Tu casa tus casas

Su coche sus coches

Nuestra clase nuestras clases

Vuestro amigo vuestros amigos

Su billete sus billetes



Remember that with possessive adjectives, it is not the subject that is important, it is the gender and number of the object(s) being possessed. The subject only tells you which adjective form you will use (corresponding to the yo, tú, él, ella, etc..). whereas it is the possessed object that will dictate the gender and number of the adjective to be used.


El libro que me pertenece a mí = mi libro

La casa que te pertenece a ti = tu casa

Las tortillas de Javier = sus tortillas

Los libros de ella = sus libros

El cumpleaños de mi hermano = su cumpleaños

Las servilletas de vosotros = vuestras servilletas

La lámpara de nosotros = nuestra lámpara