The present subjunctive forms for the "nosotros" are used as commands:

Tomemos el tren.

No hagamos nada hoy.

No comamos en ese restaurante.

Empecemos la tarea.


The affirmative nosotros command will occasionally be replaced with vamos + a + infinitive / location to convey the idea of "Let’s..(verb)/ Let’s go to . . . . . . .(location)":

Vamos a salir esta noche. Let’s go out tonight / We’re going out tonight.

Vamos al centro. Let’s go downtown / We’re going downtown.


Vamos is used instead of vayamos for let’s go . The regular present subjunctive form is used for the negative: No vayamos.

Vamos al centro. Pero no vayamos al cine.

Let’s go downtown. But let’s not go to the movies.


In affirmative nosotros commands the final –s of the verb ending is dropped when the reflexive pronoun nos or the indirect object pronoun se is added. An accent mark is written over the stressed syllable. For example: Lavémonos (Lavemos + nos)= Let’s wash up. Or pretémoselo (Prestemos + se+ lo)= Let’s lend it to him/her. This is why you often hear speakers use "¡vámonos!" to say Let’s go/ Hurry up!



(Quedarse) Quedémonos. Let’s stay.

(sentarse) Sentémonos. Let’s sit down.

(Irse) Vámonos. Let’s go.

(Vestirse) Vistámonos. Let’s get dressed.