A comparison of equality is one which states that one noun or group of nouns is as good as another noun or group of nouns / as bad as another noun or group of nouns/ as interesting as…etc. The bottom line: no one noun or group of nouns is being ranked higher or lower than another noun or group of nouns.


Option 1:

Tan + adjective/adverb + como (as. . . . .as)

Javier es tan guapo como Brad Pitt. (Javier is as handsome as Brad Pitt).

María es tan inteligente como Einstein. (María is as intelligent as Einstein).

Sus ojos son tan bellos como el mar. (His/her eyes are as beautiful as the sea).

Mi coche corre tan rápidamente como un tren. (My car runs as fast/as rapidly as a train).

El coche de María corre tan lentamente como una tortuga. (María’s car runs as slowly as a turtle).


Option 2:

Tanto/a/os/as + noun(s) + como (as….many…as)

En clase hay tantos chicos como chicas. (In class there are as many boys as girls).

En el club hay tantas mujeres como hombres. (At the club there are as many women as men).

Hay tantos estudiantes como profesores en esa universidad. (There are as many students as (there are) professors at that university).

 ***Note that your form of `tanto` MUST agree in gender and number with the noun or nouns it is describing***


Option 3:

Tanto como (as much as)

Yo trabajo tanto como tú. (I work as much as you[do]).

Practicamos tanto como ellos. (We practice as much as them [they do]).

Nos gusta el filme tanto como él. (We like the film as much as he [does]).